2020 Grade Seven Summer Bridge Program
[明道中學國際部] 新生暑期課程開跑!
[Mingdao International Department] Grade Seven Summer Bridge Program Kickoff
The MDID Summer Bridge Program is a preparatory program for all newly enrolled MDID seventh graders to better adapt to a new environment. The school hosts fun activities to help students get to know each other and ease the fear of speaking in front of people.
In the opening ceremony, the director Mr. Michael Wen encouraged everyone to set personal goals for the coming school year, and this will help them achieve their success in school and become life long learners. He also expects all students to accept people's differences and respect others to maintain a friendly and better school climate in the international department. To this end, all students need to come together and work hand-in-hand as a team.
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is a success!" Henry Ford.