2020-2021 Semester 1 MDID SAT/PSAT Preparation Survey
自從2012年明道中學國際部創建以來,我們有很多優秀的學生成功的申請上頂尖的美國大學。 國際部的使命是培育具有學術能力的學生且擁有良好的紀律表現,更在未來自己合適的大學中 逐漸卓越成長。109學年上學期國際部提供第九節課後輔導課程,讓學生有機會練習及熟悉 SAT/PSAT考試內容。 如有任何疑問,歡迎請與國際部教學組 勞永全組長聯繫 04-23341227
Dear Parents and student of MDID,
Since the establishment of the Mingdao International Department in 2012, the majority of our students have applied and successfully gotten into the top universities in the United States. The International Department’s mission is to prepare academically competent students who are poised, disciplined, and expressive to thrive and succeed at their best-match colleges or universities. Next school year, MDID is offering students a chance to practice and familiarize themselves with the SAT/PSAT exams. If you have further questions, please contact David Lao, the Academic Coordinator at 04-23341227