第十三屆明道模擬聯合國會議 (MDMUN)

第十三屆明道模擬聯合國會議 (MDMUN) 於8/26至8/28期間舉行,吸引全臺135位來自北中南、離島、海外等學生代表,參與者中包含來自建國高中、台北延平中學、新竹實中、台北薇閣高中、澎湖馬公高中等同樣辦理模聯會議、藉此與明道學生交流的學校。此外,今年的主席團有來自台灣大學、政治大學,甚至英國倫敦大學的大學生。

 模擬聯合國為增進學生對於國際事務、政治外交相關理解以及談判協商、思辨能力的學術活動。學生在會議中扮演聯合國中的各國外交官,討論軍事、經濟、人權、法律等議題,在辯論的過程中建立國際共識,產出針對議題的決議,展現領導與外交的精神。今年的會議中,共開設三個不同的委員會:聯合國人權理事會 (UNHRC)、聯合國社會人道主義及文化委員會 (SOCHUM)、聯合國安全理事會 (UNSC),分別討論Protection of Journalists in Conflict Zones (保護衝突地區的記者)、數字時代隱私權及採取具體行動消除種族主義、種族歧視、仇外和相關不容忍言行、The Situation of Afghanistan (阿富汗局勢)等議題。


 The 13th Mingdao Model United Nations Conference (MDMUN) was held from 8/26 to 8/28, attracting 135 students from all over Taiwan and overseas, including participants from schools that have also held MUN conferences and had exchanges with Mingdao students during those events in the past. In addition, this year’s Dais Team includes members from the National Taiwan University, Cheng-Chi University, and even University College London.

 Model United Nations is an academic event that endows students’ understanding of international, political, and diplomatic affairs as well as negotiation and critical thinking skills. In a simulation conference, students act as the delegates of Member States in the United Nations to discuss military, economic, human rights, and legal issues. In the process of debating, delegates establish international consensus and produce a resolution on the issue, demonstrating leadership and diplomacy. In this year’s conference, there are three committees: the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM), and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Respectively, these committees discussed the Protection of Journalists in Conflict Zones, Privacy in the Digital Age and Eliminating Racism and Relevant Speech and Actions, and The Situation of Afghanistan.

 This year’s MDMUN conference theme is “Where Our MUN Stories Intertwine.” 


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