
國際部學生於10/6進行了第一次Edutainment. 學生們進行志工服務學習。學生們分別到不同的場所進行志工服務,服務內容包括1919食物銀行協助食物分裝,惠明盲校及育幼院進行環境清潔打掃,創世基金會進行對發票,以及大肚山淨山活動。藉由安排各種不同的志工活動來提升學生們對人及環境的意識。最後進行學生會選舉,學生學習到公民素養,及如何行使公民權利。

International students participated in Edutainment on 10/6. Students took part in volunteer service learning. They were divided into different groups to provide service at various locations, including assisting with food packaging at the 1919 Food Bank, environmental cleaning at the Huiming School for the Blind and the childcare institution, checking receipts at the Genesis Social Welfare Foundation, and participating in the Da Du Mountain Cleanup activity. We hope to enhance students' awareness of caring and the environment through activities. Finally, student council elections were held, and students learned about civic literacy and how to exercise their civic rights.

Activity奕廷 賴