MDID Exploring ecosystem dynamics at an organic farm

 Exploring ecosystem dynamics at an organic farm. 


The purpose of this farm visit is to:

Students to observe Biotic Interactions: Observe the farm's diversity and understand how they interact within the ecosystem. Students will learn about symbiotic relationships, such as pollination and mutualism, and how they contribute to the farm's ecological balance. Observe and examine the farm's soil composition, water management systems, and climate considerations. Students will discover how these abiotic factors influence the growth and productivity of crops, as well as their impact on the overall farm ecosystem. Gain insights into sustainable organic farming practices: Understand how organic farming methods minimize the use of synthetic inputs, promote biodiversity, and foster a healthier environment. Students will explore the importance of sustainable agriculture in mitigating environmental impacts and supporting long-term ecological health.

Inquirers - Students will demonstrate curiosity and an eagerness to learn about the interdependencies and relationships in the farm ecosystem.

Thinkers - Students will analyze the impact of abiotic factors on the farm ecosystem and consider ways to optimize conditions for sustainable agriculture.

Knowledgeable - Students will acquire knowledge about the trophic levels and energy transfer within the farm ecosystem.

Principled - Students will recognize the importance of sustainable organic farming practices in promoting ethical and responsible choices for environmental preservation.

The outcome of this farm visit is for students to:

Deepen their understanding of ecological concepts related to biotic and abiotic factors.

Gain firsthand experience in observing and analyzing an ecosystem within an organic farming context.

Recognize the importance of sustainable farming practices in maintaining ecological balance and conserving natural resources.

Develop an appreciation for the interdependence of living organisms and the environment.

Connect theoretical knowledge to real-life applications, fostering a sense of environmental responsibility and stewardship.

By immersing themselves in the farm environment and engaging with knowledgeable farmers, these visits can help the students to emerge with a holistic understanding of ecosystem dynamics and the significance of sustainable practices (SDGs) in promoting a healthier planet.



詢問者 - 學生將表現出好奇心和渴望了解農場生態系統中的相互依存關係和關係。

思考者 - 學生將分析非生物因素對農場生態系統的影響,並考慮優化可持續農業條件的方法。

知識淵博 - 學生將獲得有關農場生態系統內營養級和能量轉移的知識。

有原則的 - 學生將認識到可持續有機農業實踐在促進環境保護的道德和負責任選擇方面的重要性。







通過讓自己沉浸在農場環境中並與知識淵博的農民接觸,這些訪問可以幫助學生全面了解生態系統動態和可持續實踐 (SDG) 在促進地球健康方面的重要性。