[明道中學國際部 Mingdao International Department] 美術展Art Exhibition

[明道中學國際部 Mingdao International Department] 美術展Art Exhibition

美術展Art Exhibition 是由國際部師生共同規劃的美術展覽。展覽內容涵蓋了不同媒材的畫作及立體創作。此次展覽的主題構想在於展現學生不分領域、興趣的創造力,強調「人人都能是藝術家」,讓藝術更貼近你我生活。

It is an exhibition organized by students and teachers from the Mingdao International Department. The exhibition covers paintings and three-dimensional artworks of distinct medium. The purpose of this exhibition is to demonstrate the creativity of our students, emphasizing that "everyone can be an artist", and let art be closer to life.