2022 MYP Personal Project Fair


2022 MYP Personal Project Fair

What an event! Huge thanks to grade 10 students who were willing to spend their time with grade 9 students, sharing their experiences and interest, and providing them with such useful tips for their personal projects!

Good luck to the grade 10 students, about to start the most important 2 years of their life - IBDP!

And good luck to the grade 9 students with their Personal Project.

The Personal Project is the accumulation of skills and knowledge acquired in the Middle Years Programme. It is a journey of self-discovery that can lead to meaningful outputs and outcomes. By Year 5, it is my hope that students have the agency and grit to navigate the challenges that come with self-directed learning and that by the end of the process, come out stronger and better. The effort and the work speak for themselves. The beauty of the Personal Project is that no one can be a better judge of that than the students themselves. All the best of luck next year, Grade 10s!