Changes to 2020 AP Exams

[明道國際部] 2020年AP考試將改由線上施測 為了預防新型冠狀病毒的傳播與感染,美國大學中心宣布了今年AP考試因應的政策。2020年AP考試將改用可在家中或者學校施測的線上模式,考試內容也將由化簡。大學中心決定要做出這個改變是為了確保學生在新型冠狀病毒流行期間的安全,但是同時又可以保障學生獲得AP的考試分數。更多的訊息請參閱下面附件中的信件或者美國大學中心的網址

In response to concerns about the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), the College Board has announced some changes to the AP exam. 2020 AP Exams will be diverted to an online format that can be administered at home or school and the content of exam will also be streamlined. The college Board determined to make this change to both keep students safe during the COVID-19 outbreak but also give students the opportunity to still get AP exam scores. For more information please read the following letter, for the most up-to-date updates, please check college