MDID 2020 Campus Book Fair


[明道國際部] 誠品校園書展


從4月13日(一)至4月 17日(五)中午開始辦理為期一週的校園書展,這次是由誠品書局配合在國際部汪楊豐圖書館辦理。


[Mingdao International Department] Eslite Campus Book Fair

At Mingdao, we encourage reading for learning. Reading is an essential skill to improve thinking. When you read, your brain absorbs good writing techniques and vocabulary, it also enhances your vocabulary and spelling

The Eslite Campus Book Fair will be held April 13-17 at MDID.

Come and explore a wide range of books such as literature and fiction, design and architecture, etc. Reduce screen time on your devices and enjoy the pleasure of reading.