2024 MDID BOot camp


The MDID Boot Camp is compulsory for all freshmen, this is an interactive and enjoyable 3-day event for our new recruits. During the 3 days, students will meet with their homeroom teachers and classmates. The MDID Boot Camp will prepare and assist students in transitioning to high school life.

對象 Audience 

新學年新七年級生 Incoming Grade 7 Students

日期/時間 When 

8月14日(三)至8月16日(五)每日 07:50~16:10

Wednesday, 14th of August to Friday, 16th of August. 7:50 am to 4:10 pm daily.

主題What will we be doing:

(1) 介紹國際部師長及行政人員。Introducing teachers and other staff members in the community.

(2) 認識IB課程:包含IB學習者特質、ATL學習方法、MYP課程與DP課程中重要評量向度與準則。Getting to know more about IB MYP program, including IB learner profile, ALT learning, MYP and DP curriculum and IB grading. 

(3) 學生ManageBac 平台操作研修及實作。Learning ManageBac and other commonly used platforms.

日期/時間 Schedule 


1.上課集合地點:國際部明遠大樓10F 。 Assemble point: International Department (MingYuan Building 10F.)

2.服裝:第一天穿著制服,服裝尚不需繡學號。 Please wear formal uniform on the first day, student ID not yet required on uniforms.

3.用餐 :由學校統一訂購營養午餐,請自備餐具。Lunch provided daily, please bring your own chopsticks and spoon.

4.交通:請家長接送或搭乘大眾交通運輸工具,上學07:50;放學16:10。Parents are requested to pick up or take public transportation. School starts at 07:50 and ends at 16:10.

5.攜帶物品:文具用品、水壺。Bring: stationaries and water bottle.

6. 學校購買之Apple筆電將於8/14(三)統一發放,若未購買者請自行攜帶以供使用。 Apple laptops will be distributed on 8/14 (Wed.). If you have not purchased one, please bring your own for use.

7.如開學後需添購制服、體育服、皮鞋、書包、背包、桌墊等學用品,請透過明道雲城(Estore)購買。 If additional sets of uniform needs to be purchased, please head to http://crm.mingdao.edu.tw/estore/index.asp


有問題 Question?

如果有任何問題,可以與我們行政聯絡04-23341225。Please contact our administration team at 04-23341225