2024 畢業典禮 Graduation Ceremony



Six years ago, everyone met at the International Department of Mingdao High School International Department, and now the students are ready to spread their wings and embark on a new journey in life. Graduation is not the end but a new beginning. The students will each follow their own path and face more challenges and opportunities. Here, we extend our sincerest wishes to the students. May you continue to grow and progress in your life's journey, fearlessly pursuing your dreams and facing each challenge with enthusiasm and creativity. We believe that your future holds endless possibilities and will bring a brighter tomorrow.

Lastly, let us express our gratitude once again to all the parents, relatives, and guests who attended the commencement ceremony. Thank you for your support and encouragement. We will always cherish the joy and emotions of this moment, allowing these warm memories to accompany us as we step into the future.

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