PP Exhibition

2023 國際部PP展在5月30日完美結束,每一年都PP展都可以看到學生在正規課程之外的學習與收穫,因每一個都是個人的Project,所以都非常具有獨特性,今年從音樂、藝術、文學、設計各個不同的領域都有學生去做。從這裡可以看得出來,學生在明道國際部的發展是非常多元性的,學生也能有多方嘗試,找尋最適合自己的專長或興趣。



The 2023 PP Exhibition of the International Department ended perfectly on May 30. Every year at the PP Exhibition, students can see what students have learned and gained beyond the formal curriculum. Because each is a personal project, it is very unique. This year, there are students from different fields of music, art, literature, and design. It can be seen from this that the development of students in Mingdao International Division is very diverse, and students can also try in many ways to find the most suitable specialty or interest for them.

The half-day event amazed the parents, teachers and students present.

We look forward to seeing more students with different achievements next year.