2022 Singapore eIDEX final competition


Congratulation to the following students who have been accepted into the 2022 Singapore eIDEX final competition, they will be presenting live on the 31st of March 2022, 12:40pm - 2:40pm.

902 Yvonne

902 Janice

902 Amelia

The team will be competing with 2 other schools (Singapore and Thailand) for a spot in Overall Championship, Gold, or Silver.

Good luck to them!

Team video:

Also acknowledging the team who have also been selected to participate in this year's eIDEX:

901 Ruby

901 Brian

901 May

902 Jamison

902 Evan

And huge thanks to the teachers and staff who help and supported in this whole process.

Additional information:

IDEX: http://idex.acsindep.edu.sg/