2022 MDID Reading Fun (Chiao-Jen Elementary School) 閱讀趣

Fewer and fewer children read and enjoy books in this digital era.  Furthermore, the reading resources of school are not being utilized, either.  Therefore, the “I Teach I Learn”club from MDID has proposed the after school reading companion program for children in Chiao-Jen Elementary School.  Hope to help children develop a good reading habit and make a contribution for Taiwan.

在這個電子產品發達的時代,手機、電腦與電視的使用佔據了孩子閱讀的時間, 越來越少的孩子會自己去探索閱讀的樂趣。另一方面, 許多學校擁有豐富的閱讀資源, 卻沒有被好好的運用。因此國際部愛Teach I Learn社團主動策劃了這個定期陪伴課後照顧班孩子們的閱讀活動, 期待幫助孩子們養成閱讀的習慣,共同為台灣的閱讀風氣盡一份小小的心力。