第一屆MDMUN Chair Elite明道模擬聯合國主席菁英訓練營

第一屆MDMUN Chair Elite於11/12~11/13圓滿落幕。學員們透過各式各樣的課程學習如何成為一名優秀的主席。包括如何在查詢資料後制定會議議題、撰寫背景文件,甚至嘗試用自己選擇的題目練習撰寫了一個議題陳述。從最基本的學術誠實工作坊和立場文件、決議文草案審查,到需要長年經驗累積才能精準掌握的主席語言與風格、議場動態洞察引導,講師們都盡心盡力的分享著。學員們在面試技巧課程的所學,更是在第二天的正式面試環節中獲得學以致用的機會。


The first Mingdao Chair Elite Program officially ended! Through these two days, the participants went through various lessons to learn how to become a good chair, including how to decide on a conference issue after research and writing a background guide; the participants even practiced writing a Statement of the Problem according to the issue of their choice! From basic lectures such as Academic Honesty Workshop and Document (Position Papers and Draft Resolutions) Review, to those that require experience to fully grasp—such as Chairing Language and Style as well as Conference Dynamics Observation and Guidance—the lecturers were sharing all their best. Moreover, participants also applied what they learned in the Interview Skills lecture during a formal interview session on the second day.

Throughout the whole program, from the delegates’ determined faces and their shining eyes, we saw how everyone tried their best to get all the knowledge that is needed to become a chair.

Over these two days, MDMUN Chair Elite program offered a fruitful experience and unforgettable memory!