明道中學國際部 Mingdao International Department 1st Edutainment

國際部G7~G12學生於10/5~10/6進行第一次游藝學習。活動包含了由學生會競選團隊主辦的遊戲,學生分組進行對抗賽,充分展現了團結合作的精神。學生們也進行志工服務學習。安排學生前往大坑9號步道進行淨山活動及大安濱海進行淨灘活動。為保護環境盡一份心力。12年級學生則前往台中魚市場煮魚所的廚藝教室完成他們的group 4 project. Group 4 project是IB DP課程中必須完成的一個項目, 學生需混合編組, 利用該場地與器材進行探究活動, 分析結果後做成簡短的演示報告。今年的主題是廚房裡的科學。最後進行學生會選舉,學生學習到公民素養,及如何行使公民權利。

MDID had the first edutainment on Oct. 5 ~Oct. 6 2022. The activity included competitions hosted by the Student Council, students fully demonstrated the spirit of cooperation.Students went to Dakeng hiking trail #9 to do the mountain cleanup, Daan Beach to do the beach cleanup during the volunteer work. They did their best to protect the environment.The 12th grade students completed their group 4 project. The group 4 project is a mandatory part of the IB DP program that students have to work in multi-disciplinary groups to investigate and create a presentation on a specific