[明道國際部 Mingdao International Department] Congratulations to G11 Marshal Double Championship!

[明道中學國際部] 11年級田紹遠勇奪全國中區游泳雙料冠軍!

就讀 IBDP大學預科課程 十一年級的田紹遠同學,在1月9日及10日全國中區游泳錦標賽中,代表明道中學參賽,分別榮獲50公尺及100公尺自由式雙料冠軍!其中50公尺項目以24.65秒的成績領先群雄! 田同學課業雖然繁重, 但還是在有限的時間下盡最大的努力列席,他特別感謝媽媽辛苦的付出和支持,在這次比賽得到好成績!他也是最棒的 IB學習者,在身心與學業各方面均衡發展!

[Mingdao International Department] Grade 11 Marshal Tien won two championships at the Central Taichung Swimming Competition

Grade 11 DP student Marshall Tien came first in both 50m freestyle and 100m freestyle at the Central Taichung swimming competition held on the 9th and 10 of January 2021. On top of his demanding DP course, he still manages to find time to pursue a tight training schedule. Great work Marshal! He is an excellent example of a balanced IB learner.
