Alumni Visit

[明道中學國際部] 校友分享會

12/22 2019年畢業校友Anabel (ESCP歐洲高等商學院), Angela(伊利諾大學香檳分校), Eunice(達特茅斯學院), Ken(南加州大學), Laina (帕森設計學院)以及Winson(德州大學奧斯汀分校)回到明道中學國際部和學弟妹們分享大學生活以及回答升學相關問題,希望能讓同學們對大學生活有更深的認識,在高中時就規劃好自己的時間,為自己的未來提前做好準備!

[Mingdao International Department] Alumni Visit

Alumni from the Class of 2019 (Anabel: ESCP Business School, Angela: University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, Eunice: Dartmouth College, Ken: University of Southern California, Laina: Parsons School of Design and Winson: The University of Texas at Austin) came to visit MDID today to share their university experiences with our students and to answer any questions that they have regarding the college application process, hoping to help our students gain a deeper understanding as to what college life is like. Our students were also given valuable advice about how to prepare for college and how to make themselves stand out among other college applicants.

Daniel Chao