Extended Essay Cafe


Grade 11 Extended Essay Cafe


MDID-第三屆EE Cafe 活動

長篇論文(Extended Essay)為IB核心要求的其中一項,學生會選擇有興趣的主題並深入研究,最後完成約4000字的研究論文。國際部於上週五舉辦EE Cafe活動,讓11年級學生與老師共同討論並找到願意擔任論文的指導老師。

In IBDP schools all over the world, students complete the Extended Essay as one of the core requirements of the Diploma Programme. The Extended Essay is a 4000-word research essay in an IBDP subject and students do a bulk of the work independently, applying what they learn in their DP courses to a topic of their choosing. On Friday, November 20th, Grade 11 students in MDID participated in the school’s third annual “EE Cafe,” where they had the opportunity enjoy coffee, milk tea, and snacks while meeting with subject teachers to discuss Extended Essay ideas. Many students walked away with a clear choice for their subject and a teacher who agreed to act as their supervisor for the Essay, while others received valuable guidance that they can use as they work towards finalizing their essay’s topic. This event marked the start of a yearlong journey that will give MDID students the chance to discover themselves and their academic interests as they dive into in-depth work on a subject and topic they enjoy.