Mingdao International Department
Laboratory Code of Conduct


Laboratory Code of Conduct For The International Department

Science laboratory classes include hands-on, inquiry-based investigations. Some laboratory activities involve the use of chemicals or equipment that may pose a health or safety danger to students and teachers if not handled properly. To ensure a safe and healthy environment in our laboratories, the following Laboratory Code of Conduct has been developed. The students and their parents or guardians must read and sign the Laboratory Safety Contract and return a signed copy to their teacher before the students can participate in any laboratory work.


科學實驗室的課程包含各項探究學習與實驗操作, 而實驗室內的各項活動可能涉及使用化學藥品與儀器設備,任何不當操作即可能危害師生的健康和生命安全。為了確保一個安全與健康的教學環境, 學生及家⻑或監護人必須詳細閱讀安全守則, 在簽署安全協議書後繳交給任課老師。完成上述程序後學生使得進入實驗室課程。


General Guidelines

  1. Students should behave in a mature and responsible manner at all times in the laboratory or wherever chemicals are stored or handled.

  2. Never run, shove or play in the laboratory. Do not lean or sit on the laboratory tables.

  3. Students must carefully follow all verbal and written instructions. If students are unsure of the procedure, they should ask the teacher for help before proceeding.

  4. Students should not touch any equipment or chemicals unless specifically instructed to do so.

  5. Students must not eat or drink in the laboratory. Students must wash hands thoroughly after participating in any laboratory activities.

  6. Students must perform only those experiments authorized by the teacher.

  7. Students should know the locations and operating procedures for all applicable laboratory safety equipment and personal protective equipment. Students are responsible for storing and bringing their own lab coats to lab sessions. Laboratories provide goggles and gloves. Students must wear appropriate protective gear as instructed by the teacher.

  8. All students should keep their work area clean and tidy.

  9. In the event of fire or earthquake, students should follow emergency procedures and evacuate the laboratory immediately and safely.

  10. Students must never enter or remain in the science laboratories or preparation areas unless accompanied by a teacher or a designated school employee.


  1. 學生應以成熟和負責的態度在實驗室內學習和操作實驗。

  2. 實驗室內嚴禁奔跑或嬉戲。切勿倚靠或坐在實驗桌上。

  3. 學生必須確實遵循實驗步驟及老師的指示。如果您不確定實驗程序,請先向老師尋求協助後再繼續進行實驗。

  4. 在未經老師指示的情況下請勿觸碰任何設備或化學藥品。

  5. 學生不得在實驗室內飲⻝。離開實驗室前確實洗手。

  6. 學生不得擅自進行未經授權的實驗。

  7. 學⽣必須熟知實驗室安全設備和個⼈防護裝備的位置和操作程序。實驗衣為學生自行保管,進行實驗課時攜帶至實驗室。實驗室提供護目鏡及手套,學生須配合老師指示穿著適當防護裝備。

  8. 任何時候皆應保持工作區域的乾淨和整潔。

  9. 如遇火災或地震, 立即依老師指示或實驗室緊急處理程序進行疏散。

  10. 除非由老師或指定的學校職員陪同,學生不得進入或逗留在實驗室或實驗準備區內。


Handling Chemicals and Equipment

  1. Students must properly dispose of all chemical waste, as directed.

  2. Students should wear lab coats during lab sessions involving chemicals or as instructed by the teacher at all times in the laboratory. Without a lab coat, students are not permitted to participate in lab sessions. Long hair should be tied back and open- toe shoes are not permitted while working in the laboratory.

  3. Students must report any incident including all injuries, any signs of physical harm, chemical spills, breakages, or other releases of hazardous materials to the teacher immediately - no matter how insignificant it may appear.

  4. Students must never remove chemicals, equipment, or supplies from the laboratory area.

  5. Students must carefully examine all equipment before each use and report any broken or defective equipment to the teacher immediately.

  6. If students do not follow appropriate operation instructions and cause damage to the lab equipment, students will be responsible for compensating the school the full amount incurred to replace or repair the damage equipment.

  7. Students must never reach over an exposed flame or hot plate, or leave a flame or hot plate unattended.

  8. Students must never point a test tube or reaction vessel of any type toward another person.


  1. 學生須依照指示妥善處理實驗廢棄物。

  2. 學⽣操作含化學藥品或老師指示須穿著實驗衣之實驗課時應確實穿著實驗衣,若無則不能參與實驗課程。⻑髮應束紮起來。實驗室內禁⽌ ⾚腳或穿著涼鞋拖鞋。

  3. 若有任何意外或傷害產生,包括任何身體不適或受傷,器材破損, 化學藥品或有害物質洩漏,學生必須立即向老師報告。

  4. 學生不得攜帶任何化學藥品或儀器設備離開實驗室。

  5. 學生在每次使用前必須仔細檢查所有儀器設備,若有任何缺損,立即告知任課老師或實驗室職員。

  6. 若未依規定操作而造成儀器設備之損害, 學生需依器材價目表賠償全額損失。

  7. 學生切勿直接接觸火源或加熱板。任何時候離開實驗區域,需確認火源或加熱板已關閉

  8. 加熱藥品或溶液時, 不得將試管或反應容器的開口朝向自己和他人。


The use of animals and experiment involving human subjects

Please refer to Guidelines for The Use of Animals in IB World Schools for details.


請參閱文件: 國際文憑學校動物實驗指導原則。


Response To Violations Of The Student Laboratory Code of Conduct

1st Offense:

The student will be given a verbal reprimand from the teacher, and be issued a written record of the violation. The teacher will review the laboratory safety rules with the student. In cases where a violation may have caused harm to another person or the environment, the parents or guardians will also be notified of the violation.

2nd Offense:

The student will be evicted from the laboratory immediately and sent to the administrative office. A written notification detailing the consequences received by the student for the violation will also be sent to the parents or guardians. The student will not be permitted to resume laboratory work for a period of one week, during which time the student will complete alternative work assignments. The laboratory assignment(s) will be scheduled and provided in a supervised setting as determined by the administration and science teachers.

3rd Offense:

The student will be evicted from the laboratory immediately and sent to the administrative office. A written notification of the violation will be sent to the parents or guardians. A mandatory conference with the parents or guardians and a school  administrator will be scheduled. The outcome of such a conference could result in student being suspended from laboratory activities for the remainder of the school year. If this occurs, the student will be assigned with alternative laboratory assignment(s) in a supervised setting as determined by the administration and science teachers to satisfy any graduation requirements. 







學生需立即暫停實驗操作,並交由行政部門依規定處分。處分結果通知書將寄送給家長或監護人。行政部門邀請家長或監護人共同參與學生違規檢討會議。根據會議結果,學生可能被禁止在該學年期間參與班級實驗課程。如上述情況發生,行政部門與學科老師將提供違規的學生適當的監督與替代實驗課程, 以滿足任何畢業要求。
