2o21 Personal Project Exhibition


Identities and Relationship Projects

globalization and sustainability

Fairness and Development

Scientific and Innovation

Personal and Cultural Expression

Orientation of Space and Time


Personal Project Coordinator

I want to thank you all for making this event a success. It has not been an easy task to organize an exhibition when everyone is working and learning from home. Thanks to our Academic Coordinator David Lao for designing the beautiful website.

As we all know, the Personal Project represents an accomplishment in the IB MYP programe. The goal behind the personal project is profound and meaningful. This could be an once in a lifetime learning experience for MYP students.As teachers and parents, we often heard complaints from our kids, such as " I hate this subject.", " This is boring.", " How am I going to benefits from this when I grow up?". I can't help but ask myself on different occasions, will it be possible to let our students create their own favorite subject for once? A subject with no boundaries, no limitation. as long as it is personally challenging and meaningful for the learners.

So, here we are with all grade 10 students choosing different learning goals, presenting their learning outcome to us, telling us their passion and interest. For them, this could be a decision out of thousands of potential exploration. Let's celebrate their learning together!

MYP Coordinator

The Personal Project is the accumulation of skills and knowledge acquired in the Middle Years Programme. It is a journey of self-discovery that can lead to meaningful outputs and outcomes. By Year 5, it is my hope that students have the agency and grit to navigate the challenges that come with self-directed learning and that by the end of the process, come out stronger and better. The effort and the work speak for themselves. The beauty of the Personal Project is that no one can be a better judge of that than the students themselves. All the best of luck next year, Grade 10s!